


Lake Muzzano is a small Swiss lake located straddling the municipal territories of Sorengo, Muzzano and Golden Hill, in the canton of Ticino.

The pond (22 hectares) was purchased by Pro Natura Switzerland in 1945 and the property was extended over the years to numerous particles located along its banks.
The walk around the lake skirts at the beginning the railway track at the Chapel-Agnuzzo stop, then surrounds the Muzzano pond counterclockwise to climb later to the village of Muzzano with its carefully renovated buildings.

The lake and its shores are delicate habitats of precious animal and plant species. In the burying area nests for example the Tarabusino and among the stones of the points without vegetation hides the tessellated natrice. Along the lake, Pro Natura, in collaboration with the canton of Ticino, has dug small pools in which toads, frogs and dragonflies have settled.
It is no wonder that this pond is the favorite destination of those who love to run, walk and walk the dog, nature enthusiasts and families with children.

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